Available Commands
All available commands.
Here is the corrected version with your specifications applied:
/assemble: Time to start setting up your bot.
/avatar: View the avatar of a member.
/ban: Ban a member from the server.
/changelog: Create a changelog embed.
/embed: Starts the creation process for an embed.
/gban: Ban a member globally.
/giveaway create: Creates a giveaway.
/giveaway end: Ends a giveaway.
/giveaway reroll: Rerolls a giveaway.
/giveaway view-participants: View participants of a giveaway.
/gunban: Unban a user globally.
/kick: Kick a member from this server.
/leaderboard: View the server leaderboard.
/nickname: Update the server nickname.
/poll: Creates a poll.
/profile set-birthday: Sets your birthday.
/profile view: View your profile.
/purge: Purges messages in a channel.
/rank: View your rank or someone else's.
/remind: Remind me something.
/requestrole: Request a role from the server staff.
/review: Create a new review.
/slowmode: Enables/disables slowmode in a channel.
/snippet: Submit a code snippet.
/sticky add-message: Create a ticket message.
/sticky list-messages: List sticky messages in the server.
/suggest: Suggest something to the server staff.
/temprole: Assign a temporary role to a member.
/ticket add-members: Add members to a support ticket.
/ticket claim: Claims the support ticket.
/ticket close: Close the support ticket.
/ticket remove-members: Remove members from this support ticket.
/ticket rename: Rename this support ticket.
/ticket transfer-members: Transfer members from this support ticket to a different one.
/timeout: Timeout a member for a specific amount of time.
/transcript: Generate a transcript of messages in a channel.
/unbanall: Removes all bans from the server.
/user: View information about a member.
/warn: Warn a member in the server.
Last updated